Men, get your thumbs ready! Are you man enough to compete against all of your friends, to play X-Box while your girlfriend glares at you, to bring home the trophy and bragging rights? If you think you've got what it takes, then enter yourself in the Innaugural King of the Green Golf Tournament!
Firm details are still being ironed-out by the Tournament Chair, Ian DeWolfe, but here is the pertinent information:
Who: If you've got male genitalia, you've got the right to play.
What: Golf tournament played on X-Box 360.
When: While the girls make sashes, primp and get mentally prepared.
Where: Ian and Jodi's living room.
Why: The men need something to get excited about too.
How: It's a guy thing, I'm sure you'll figure it out.
Further details will follow. Any questions or comments regarding the Tournament should be left in the comment box below. They will be answered promptly by the Tournament Chair of the Festival.